Friday, March 25, 2005

Vending Machines

I'm in a Kinko's and I just went to get a coke from the machine and it cost a $1.25.

Fortunately I had a 1 dollar bill and a quarter on me.

But it made me wonder: Do they make more money by increasing the price to that, or loose more money by people who go to get a drink, but don't have the right change, so they leave and don't buy one.

If I was CEO of Coke or Pepsi I would have sodas of different sizes in the vending machines, so that whatever change you had you could use, but the size would depend on how much change you had.

Example: A three dimes and nickel would get you one shot of coke.

But I am no longer CEO of Coke or Pepsi, and though I will always remember those days fondly, I have moved on to bigger and better things (or smaller and worse things, depending on your perspective)


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